I'm a blubbering mess of tears, a body full of Goose Bumps, and butterflies in my stomach because that overwhelming amount of love I felt that day still exist tonight!
I live off of Coffee...some of my best creations are made after midnight. I don't cook, and I loath cleaning...yet I consider myself to be domesticated b/c I own a sewing machine.
I totally create my own Chaos..."SELF Diagnosed" with A.D.D. and alil twist of O.C.D. my mind is completing the 2nd and 3rd thought before I even start the 1st.
I spent my 20's trying to figure it all out, sew wild oats, and stay tan all year around. Now I'm in my 30's still haven't figured it out, doing a different type of sewing and trying to repair all the damage I did to my skin in the previous decade.
I'm a SAHM turned WAHM and think I have finally found "my niche'"! Every major milestone has lead me here. I have an amazing husband who has the patience of a Pit Bull on morphine. He is ridiculously supportive and has been my #1 fan since the day I met him. Together we created the most beautiful little girl who has been my biggest inspiration through out this journey. At only 2 years old she is very sassy and opinionated and quit the fashonista! All quality traits if you ask me! I also have an awesome Posh Pooch named Delia who is the biggest Diva of all!
I hope you enjoy alil piece of me and your daily dose of "Chaos"! ;O)
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The Missing Golfer
This is the one day you have to say, "it's ok!" Forget about the fact that you NEVER get a break...Forget about the fact that you passed up those $100 sandals b/c you just got a new pair last year...this is the day you have to say, "you deserve it dear!"
The Personalized Vintage Golfer Sign paired with the Magnetic Golf Divot Tool Key Ring, copy of "The Legend of Bagger Vance" DVD and a Gift Certificate to a local golf course or TeeBone.com will keep him smiling for years to come!
The Ricky Ricardo
Remember the episode of I love Lucy when she went to Cuba to meet Ricky's family and pretended to be a Cuban Cigar Roller? One of my favorite episodes...and although you didn't roll these cigars yourself it shows the same efforts as Lucy made to make her hubby happy!
A Personalized Humidor filled with a Father's Day Sampler Pack of Cigars and Personalized Vertigo Cigar Torch Lighter makes a perfect gift for a man who enjoys a good cigar once in awhile!
The Executive
Does it feel like he loves his job more then you? Are you always feeling like you're on second base while his laptop, blackberry and colleagues crowd around the home plate? Give him a gift of reminders that he can look at everyday and know that he has a family that loves and appreciates him!
Lay on the guilt with a tie chosen by the kids that shows their interpretation of him, a picture of happy days with the family in our adorable Dad Frame, and Engraved Cuff Links that he'll see every time he checks his watch to remind him it's time to come home.